Bernard Avenue Revitalization
The city of Kelowna in British Columbia, Canada believes that great cities have great downtowns. As part of their Downtown Plan and originating from the need to upgrade aging utilities and roadways, the Bernard Avenue Revitalization became an identity-establishing project within their master plan.
Improvements included wider sidewalks, a coordinated complement of street furniture, as well as more trees and vegetation. The $14 million investment is one of the first projects to be realized from the downtown plan and will help rejuvenate downtown and set the stage for more activity, attracting residents and visitors alike. Maglin provided custom curved and straight benches with backed and backless sections that included integrated tables, and skate deterrents.
Materials: Solid steel panel legs with durable high density polyethylene (HDPE) seats.
LED lighting was incorporated into the design.
Specifier/Client: Outland Design Landscape Architecture