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About Maglin

Raise Your Sites

Outside.  Inspired.


It was 1983 when Ian McAskile was inside crafting home furnishings and the inspiration struck: let’s take this outside.

He knew from extensive experience that the indoors just shows you walls, but the outdoors serves up the wonders – and those that want to make their exterior environment stunning and sustainable deserve to work with people with the same passion.

Enter Maglin (named after Ian’s daughters, Maggie and Lindsay), a site furniture company made to meet the need for contemporary outdoor amenities that are aesthetically pleasing while durable enough to thrive outdoors in all seasons. From benches, bollards, bike racks and receptacles to panels, planters, tables & chairs, sun shades, custom projects and more — we strategically configure and thoughtfully customize adaptable solutions that will enhance any area.

Maglin continues to grow both as a company — offering new and expanding product lines in response to the needs of its clients, but also as a corporate citizen — building social consciousness into its operation; from supporting a variety of charitable causes, facilitating staff dialogue about diversity issues, to reevaluating our manufacturing process to strive for increasingly environmentally kind products.

Backless Ogden benches sitting along pathway surrounded by greenery

Our People

Raising Your Sites with Amazing Interactions

When you work with Maglin Site Furniture, you’re working with a great friend you never knew you had. We believe that every interaction, whether in our communities, our families, or our work has the ability to make a positive impact for good, which is why we ensure our conversations, concepts and creations become a renewable source of energy for us all.


At Maglin, we are committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its forms in our corporate culture and operations. Discrimination based on race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability status, or any practice that erodes the equality of our humanity is in contradiction of Maglin’s values. We recognize that diversity of experience and thought is an essential part of our shared humanity and integral to our success.

As a company, we manufacture exceptional site furniture that supports the activation of shared and public spaces. We acknowledge that lived experiences impact how people relate to public spaces, and we are committed to supporting our staff, clients, and valued partner organizations in their initiatives to create safe and equitable spaces.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement:

Maglin Site Furniture’s manufacturing headquarters is located on the ancestral lands of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee), Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ, Attiwonderonk (Neutral) and Mississauga.

Find Your Place at Maglin

Compose Your Space with Our Curated Playlists

Looking for some new sounds to fuel your creativity? Listen to this month's playlist, curated by the staff at Maglin!